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Challenging Times call for Daring Women Leaders
by Jenneese Worley
As a first-generation American Latina, I would like to share my story, hoping it resonates and motivates you to find your voice, embrace your purpose, and simply Go For It!
I am the daughter of two Colombian parents who immigrated to the United States in the 1960s. While growing up in Washington, D.C., my parents instilled in me an understanding of the Colombian culture, language, values, and work ethic; values deeply rooted in my family for generations. For over 40 years, my parents set the example by working their way up the corporate ladder in the finance and accounting fields. Seeing how driven my parents were and the success they brought to the family is something I wanted to emulate in all aspects of my life.
As an active child, my parents allowed me the opportunity to explore many activities growing up. I realized early on that I was very competitive and tried several sports. Gymnastics resonated with me the most, and I put my focus, drive, and energy into the sport. I competed from age seven through my teenage years. As a gymnast, I was successful, culminating with winning first in the state of Virginia at the age of thirteen. This experience taught me many the value of strong personal characteristics, including discipline, perseverance, grit, toughness, and teamwork. The lessons I learned in competitive sports paid dividends in my college and professional life.
After college, I started working in the finance industry. I took on various roles in the company, but they didn’t really click with me. For extra income, I took on several informal sales positions, such as Quixtar, Mary Kay, and Pampered Chef, not really realizing sales was my true passion. Each time a sales position became available at the companies I worked for, I jumped at the opportunity, and it has changed my life for the better. I am driven and love to stretch my limits; being in sales has provided me the chance. However, I also realized all the work I had completed previously was not wasted. I learned the importance of networking, both internally and externally. I learned how understanding the company dynamics is critical; this is how we discover where to find help and gain knowledge. I learned the value of recognizing the contributions of others because we need help from others to be successful.
Unfortunately, as with many businesses, the company I worked for over the last few years has undergone some changes. This caused me to reassess my personal and professional goals. I realized I needed help, and I began talking with Christine Beckwith. She is a former client of mine who moved into the mentoring space. She is a true leader, motivator, and warrior who decided to take a leap of faith and start her own coaching business.
20/20 Vision for Success Coaching was created and designed to help career and growth-minded individuals step into their personal and professional development through virtual learning dashboards and various levels of coaching. There are 24 core courses which, when completed, render business and sales certification. The learning dashboards contain hundreds of courses ranging across every topic conceivably wanted, including networking, price objections, sales strategies, leaning in, creating your brand, time management, the power of positivity, and digital domination. I jumped at the opportunity to join and continue to be amazed by the ever-expanding return on investment (ROIs) gained from this membership program.
Embracing Women With Vision taught me how to be a more effective networker and a fierce leader in my industry. It taught me the importance of finding mentors and sponsors to support taking my career into my own hands. What benefits might you find? Everyone should have someone who has experienced success and can be a sounding board in the business world (not just your field) and who can also help you through the discovery process, which is huge and will pay dividends in the future.
One of the most important lessons the WWV network team taught me is not to accept the unacceptable. Oftentimes, women simply take whatever they’re given in the workplace, job, wage, or tasks. I will never simply accept again.
Will you?
I would not be where I am now without the help and the support I gained from Women With Vision.
You have to believe in your value, and sometimes it takes making a bold move or fighting for what you are worth. Women With Vision help you embrace your confidence, know your worth, and not settle. It takes effort, and you have to commit.
In the spirit of paying forward, I have joined the Women With Vision Board of Directors. Are you ready to appreciate your own value and embrace your worth? Any of the amazing women in the photo array below would be happy to help you learn how. Step forward today. Be a daring leader. Women With Vision will assist you to reach the next level, no matter where you stand now in your career and personal world.
Today’s powerhouse women leaders want more opportunities to advance and demand a more supportive and inclusive work culture. Although women have had major breakthroughs over the last few centuries, we still have important hurdles to overcome. We are bridging the gap in many instances as we strive for equality and diversity in senior roles or correcting the gender wage gap, which has been a long-term struggle. We are grateful to the brave women who have come before us to alter standards over time. We applaud the young women who are rising to the top, using their minds and voices to make a difference for future generations. At 20/20 Vision and specifically Women With Vision, we are surrounded by women who encompass all five traits and beyond, working together to pave a better path for all women.