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Building Trust Through Your Personal Brand

When people think of you, what do they think about you? What do you want people to think about when they think of you? What does your brand say about you? Do you align with what your brand says about you? What do you want to be known for?
The answers to these questions define your personal brand. When people think of you, they’re thinking about your personal brand. With the prevalent use of social media for business, your personal and business brands have become more and more interconnected. A loan originator recently told me 30 percent of their business came from social media. In today’s competitive market, having a solid personal brand is more important than ever. Personal branding shows us who a person is and where their expertise lies.
The difference between you and your competition is you. What sets you apart? What makes you, you? What problem(s) do you solve? What are you passionate about? Differentiate yourself on who you are and not what you do. You define and separate yourself from anyone else; only you can do you, so be authentically you!
Personal branding involves understanding these features: • Find what makes you unique, • Build a reputation for what you want to be known for, and • Ensure you are known for that.

Written by Jenny Mason
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Research indicates trustworthy companies outperform competitors by up to four times, and 88 percent of customers who highly trust a brand have bought again from that brand.
Personal branding is like defining your mission statement; it’s clarifying your mission, vision, and purpose. Amid all the noise, your brand must get inside someone’s mind. Showing up consistently and honestly to teach what you know and demonstrate how you can help without asking for anything in return, makes an impact.
The byproduct of focusing on your reputation is revenue. In any relationship, whether personal or professional, trust is a cornerstone. Reputation is a judgment based on your trustworthiness. Do you have a rock-solid personal reputation? The basis of your reputation comes from who you are and how you build your brand. We trust people we feel we know.
Whom do you want your audience to be?
Be clear on who your audience is and how you will engage them. Then be consistent in connecting with them. Find out what they want and why they want it.
A way to attract your ideal audience on Instagram is to add hashtags to your posts. Let’s say you love playing tennis, singing, or you’re a dog lover. When you post, use hashtag words related to tennis, dogs, singing, or hobbies you enjoy. Adding this step attracts people with the same interests and is a great start to building relationships.
In what area can you become an expert?
Find your niche, then focus on becoming an expert. Who can you bring value to? How can you add value to the ones following you? Teach everything you know; you have knowledge your potential customers and clients want to know. They’ll begin to trust you because they have learned from you and will go to you when they need an expert.
You must get clear on the message you want to project. Creating your own unique story communicates your values and voice. You want whom you say you are to align with who you are and want to be; you want to be authentic, and you want your message to be consistent.
Your brand tells people what they can expect from you. You are the product. Be open, honest, and inclusive, show you can handle transparent communication and can relate to them. Does your messaging show this?
Having a set of values that align with your clients is essential. What do you do in the community? What do you do in your spare time? You can let your clients know this through your posting. Videos are a great way to do this. By showing your potential clients your values, you are giving them a transparent experience, which is key to building trust. Personal branding opens the door to new opportunities.
Content is king in building your brand on social media and being consistent with your messaging is key; if you state your values and post something contrary, it shows inconsistency and breaks down the trust barriers. If you say you care about something or are passionate about it, show it. The more you are seen being you: a parent, a community member, in pursuit of your hobbies, and giving valued information, the more followers feel like they know you.
Being authentic and bringing value will make you a magnet, not a loudspeaker. Studies show the best rule is having 80 percent of your content be informative and non-promotional, while the other 20 percent talks about your brand or product. Establishing yourself as a thought leader will become a go-to resource. The more you interact, the more people will reach out. Being available and responsive helps build trust.
Focus on building trust through your personal brand. To win trust, tell your story, dig in and become an expert, and leverage your personal brand. Remember, what people think of when they think of you is your personal brand.
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