
Candy Zulkosky

CaZ, the Writer Success Coach, wears many professional hats all earned through experience as a professional writer, editor, coach, marketer, educator, and entrepreneur. Aside from her nom de lume when writing, she's known as Candy Zulkosky and is the editor in chief of this publication.
As the Writer Success Coach, CaZ specializes in supporting writers. She finds joy in helping others to write and experience the joys of being published. CaZ coaches writers whose skills and experience range from the novice to the multi-published author. She tailors the coaching experience to best fit the needs of each writer and business professional she works with. On the publishing sice, CaZ is a mult-book published author and has edited or assisted in bringing dozens of authors to both print and to the best-seller lists!
CaZ is pronounced KayZee in case you were wondering.
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